Silver Linings: The Upside of Quarantine During COVID-19
My husband, 11-year-old son and I are now in week eight of quarantine, which continues to present new challenges every day. But as I mentioned in my previous posts, there are also distinct advantages – one of which is finding the time to catch up with old friends and family.
Thoughts on Global Warming
My husband, 11-year-old son and I are now in week six of quarantine, which presents plenty of challenges. But as I mentioned in my first blog post, there are also distinct advantages, one of which is spending much more quality time with our son, Jordan.
Cooking Therapy
My husband, 11-year-old son and I have been confined to our Queens apartment for over a month. While the days are long and tempers can run short, I’ve managed to find a few things that have brightened my days, forced me to broaden my horizons and will likely change my habits long after our lives return to “normal” – whatever that may look like.